The Role of Patents in Protecting software innovations

Today’s digital economy is mostly based on technology, and software is largely responsible for its value. In fact, software is becoming more and more necessary to drive growth across all economic sectors. This emphasizes the role of patents in protecting software innovations.

Many have the question in their mind is a software patent possible? A developer wants to know if they can protect their innovation as they are frequently an innovator or creator of a product that uses the software. It might be a website, a smartphone app, or a machine or system that employs software to carry out numerous tasks. That’s why they are curious to know the role of patents in protecting software innovations.

The answer is YES. Here you will know about patents in protecting software innovations.

Patents in Protecting Software Innovations: Understand Everything About It

If granted, a patent enables the owner to prohibit the use of the protected innovation. The patents in protecting software innovations help in maintaining the uniqueness of the software and a developer will get assured that his innovation is safe.

On the other hand, copyright only covers the actual code; it would not prevent another person from writing code that used the same technique.

Know About the Patents in Protecting Software Innovations Costs and The Timeline

Patent applications often take many years to issue and cost between $30,000 and $50,000 for lifetime protection in the US alone. In order to acquire wide, practical patent claims, the inventors must also devote a significant amount of work to the development and defence of the patent application.

Along with this investment, patents give more secure intellectual property protection than copyrights because they protect the whole idea, not just how it is implemented in code. They also grant the patent owner or licensee the authority to control how other entities create, utilize, sell, offer for sale, or import a device or method covered by the patent.

Advantages of patents in protecting software protection

In general, new discoveries in all technological fields are eligible for patent protection if they are useful, unique, and non-obvious (country patent laws specify the requirements for patentability). The advantages of patent protection for innovators are as follows:

  • Making it simpler for startups and small businesses that rely on innovation to form successful business partnerships;
  • Encouraging the organized sharing of knowledge through patent disclosure, which is itself an important driver of innovation;
  • Assisting in attracting investment partners and supporting business expansion.

However, unlike other significant technological developments, software-related ideas are often not treated equally under patent regulations. This can be because people don’t understand the nature of software innovation or the protection provided by various IP rights.


Patent protection has a track record of encouraging innovation, raising standards of living, and increasing employment. If you need help regarding patents in protecting software innovations, then our knowledgeable software patent team can provide you with individualized insight into where your idea falls on the non-patentable/patentable scope.

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